Recipe #1: Homemade Lemonade (original recipe found here)
Time Needed: 10 minutes
Level of difficulty: easy
Materials needed: 2 cups sugar, 1 cup hot water, 2 cups fresh lemon juice, 1 gallon cold water
Directions: In a 1 gallon container, place sugar and hot water, and stir until sugar dissolves. Add lemon juice and cold water to render 1 gallon. Stir until well mixed. Pour lemonade over glasses of ice.
Recipe #2: Homemade Sparkling Lemonade (original found here)
Time Needed: 1 hour (or so)
Level of difficulty: easy
Materials needed: 10 large lemons, zested and squeezed, 1 1/2 c sugar, 1 1/2 c hot water, 4 c club soda, ice
Bonus idea: Shave some ice, form it into balls, and add that to your glass of lemonade. Yummy yummy!
This looks super refreshing!! Thanks for linking up to Foodie Friday. Oh - and I tried to click your email button but it took me to another blog...hmmm...